Payment Information
- To avoid late fees, tickets must be paid within 10 business days.
- We accept cash, debit/credit, checks, and money orders.
- Payments should be made payable to: City of Shreveport.
- Personal checks are not accepted for booted vehicles.
- Coinage Acceptance Policy
Payment Methods
Online:Pay online HERE!
Pay via Phone: (318) 383-0141
In Person: 416 Cotton Street
Shreveport, LA 71101
8:30am – 5pm Mon-Fri
By Mail: Make payable to: City of Shreveport
P O Box 245
Shreveport, LA 71162
*Please write the citation number or license plate number on the payment.
Ticket Appeal
To contest a parking ticket, you must file an appeal within thirty (30) days of issuance by submitting a written appeal. Please include any supporting materials (documents, photos, etc.) and don’t forget to sign and date the appeal. Incomplete appeals will not be considered.
How to File an Appeal
Online Appeal online HERE!
In Person
416 Cotton Street
Shreveport, LA 71101
Hours: 8:30am – 5pm Mon-Fri
Print and Mail
— Print & Complete the Appeal Form (click to download)
— Mail to:
City of Shreveport
P.O. Box 245
Shreveport, LA 71162
Appeal Ruling
Once your appeal has been received, we submit it to the City Attorney’s office. You will be notified of the ruling via letter, in approximately 30 days. All dispositions are final.
Permit Parking Zones
You may have noticed the Permit Parking signs around downtown!
On October 2, 2017, the City of Shreveport began offering Permit Parking in Downtown Shreveport. On-street Permit Parking was established to offer more diverse parking options and to encourage greater use of underutilized parking spaces.
Permits for ZONE 2 & ZONE 3 are on sale now! Permit Parking will cost $25 (plus a $1 convenience fee for each month). You may also purchase spaces on a quarterly basis. Three months will cost $60 (plus a $1 convenience fee for each month), a savings of $15 over a month-to-month purchase!
These spaces will operate much as a parking lot. If you purchase a permit, a space will be yours from 8 am-5 pm, Monday-Friday. You will not have to move, you will not have to feed a meter, you will not be ticketed in this zone.
These spaces will not be numbered, they will be first-come, first served. Your license plate will serve as your permit, so no hangtags will be required.
Over 100 spaces will be available in ZONE 2 & ZONE 3.

Signing up for a permit is easy! Choose your Zone to register: Zone 2 or Zone 3
The maximum time allotted at all on-street parking spaces, both with and without meter, is 2 hours. Spaces without meters (indicated by green curbs) require payment with the ParkMobile. When paying with the ParkMobile App, you will have the option of a bonus hour. (bonus hour rate is $1.50/hour.). You may not use both methods of payment to remain in the same space or on the same block beyond the 2 hour maximum. Tickets can be issued to any vehicle that remains parked on a block for more than two hours, per city ordinance.
- 5 cents – 6 minutes
- 10 cents – 12 minutes
- 25 cents – 30 minutes
Reserved / Bagged Meters
Metered parking space(s) may be reserved for building or street construction, remodeling, special events, filming or moving. The parking meter bag service allows you to reserves the availability of curbside (metered) parking space(s). Private use of meter bags is prohibited. The right of refusal for any bagging request is at the discretion of Shreveport Parking Services.
Arrangements to reserve a metered space can be made by contacting ShrevePark Parking Services by phone at 318-222-0290, or in person at 416 Cotton Street, Shreveport, LA 71101 between the hours of 8:30 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Before contacting us to have a meter bagged, please download and complete the ShrevePark Bagged Meter Permit Application. To avoid an Expedite Fee, meter reservations should be made at least 24 hours in advance.
Parkmobile provides a new and better way to pay for parking using your smartphone. With Parkmobile’s mobile app, starting your parking transaction takes just a few seconds.
To learn more about Parkmobile you can download this brochure or view this video.
Download: Download the free app at Parkmobile or your device’s app store. Register after you download and you are ready to park.
Setting Up Your Parkmobile Wallet (It saves you money)!

Fines and Amounts
Expired Meter – $10.00
Vehicle is parked beyond the period of time indicated on the meter.
$50.00 Late Fee after 10 business days.
Overtime at Meter – $10.00
Vehicle is in violation of the legal maximum time limit allotted (2 Hrs). Re-feeding the meter or moving to another space on the same block, will not prevent you from being ticketing.$50.00 Late Fee after 10 business days.
Outside Parking Stall – $15.00
Entire vehicle must be parked within the boundary of the parking stall.
$10.00 Late Fee after 10 business days.
Passenger Loading Zone – $15.00
Passenger zones are established to provide space for dropping off or picking up passengers without blocking traffic. Parking in this zone is limited to 15 minutes. Yellow Curb
$10.00 Late Fee after 10 business days.
No Parking Zone | Parking in an Alley | Parking on the Sidewalk | Double Parking | Parking on Neutral Ground | Parking in a Bus Zone | Blocking a Driveway | Facing the Wrong Direction – $15.00
Additional parking violations written by the Shreveport Police Department.
$10.00 Late Fee after 10 business days.
Loading/Commercial Zone – $15.00
Loading/Commercial zones are for the expeditious unloading and delivery or pick up and loading. Only trucks, delivery vans or automobiles with commercial license plates are permitted to load and unload in commercial vehicle loading zones. Parking in this zone is limited to 1 Hr. Yellow Curb
$10.00 Late Fee after 10 business days.
Fire Lane – $50.00
Parking in a fire lane that has been designated by the Fire Chief or State Fire Marshall is unlawful. Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant / Alongside any Red Curb
$25.00 Late Fee after 10 business days.
Booted Vehicles – If a vehicle is immobilized (booted) for non-payment of parking fines, a boot fee must be paid in addition to all outstanding citations, including late penalties, before the boot can be removed. The vehicle will be towed if full payment is not made before the end of that day (5 PM).
Handicap Zone – $525.00
$10.00 Late Fee after 10 business days.
Subsequent Handicap Offense – $775.00
$10.00 Late Fee after 10 business days.
The term “handicapped” shall mean persons whose vehicles are identified by license plates, hang tags or parking cards issued in accordance with state law for handicapped individuals or disabled veterans. Only persons identified as mobility impaired who legally display their mobility impaired credentials in accordance with state law are permitted to park in this zone. Signs and markings are blue.
1st Offense Oversized Vehicle – $100.00
$10.00 Late Fee after 10 business days.
2nd Offense Oversized Vehicle – $200.00
$10.00 Late Fee after 10 business days.
1st Offense Front Yard Parking – $100.00
$10.00 Late Fee after 10 business days.
2nd Offense Front Yard Parking – $300.00
$10.00 Late Fee after 10 business days.
3rd Offense Front Yard Parking – $525.00
$10.00 Late Fee after 10 business days.
Immobilized/Booted Vehicles
The vehicles of individuals with one (1) citation that is sixty (60) days delinquent are eligible to be booted.
Once a vehicle is immobilized violators are required to pay all outstanding citations, including late penalties, plus a $75.00 Immobilization fee.
To secure release of the immobilization device, violators must contact ShrevePark Parking at (318) 222-0290 – Monday through Friday, 8:30 am-5:00 pm.
If a vehicle is immobilized and delinquent fines not paid prior to 5:00 pm., the vehicle will be towed and will incur additional towing and storage fees.
To secure release of a towed vehicle, the owner must pay all outstanding parking fines, including an additional tow fee of $50 (the tow company will contact ShrevePark, 318-222-0290, to confirm payment). Owner must also pay towing and storage fees owed to the tow company.
Sec. 90-287. General prohibitions.permanent link to this piece of content(a) No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic, or in compliance with the law, or the directions of a police officer or traffic-control device, in any of the following places:
(18) In a yard between the residence and the street of any lot zoned as a residential district under the city zoning ordinance, on any area other than a permanent parking area, which is either:
a. Asphalt, concrete or other hard surface dustless materials, or
b. Clearly defined by side borders of plants, landscape ties, pressure treated wood, brick or concrete or similar border materials.
c. No permanent parking area shall exceed 50 percent of the area of the front yard, and not more than four vehicles may be parked therein.