1010 Marshall- Great Location & For Sale!
The Downtown Development Authority is working with AEP/Swepco to determine the best location(s) for one or two new Electric Vehicle (EV) fueling stations downtown. SWEPCO’s Mike Corbin says that though the local EV market is small, it is growing and Shreveport wants to be ready as manufacturers come out with additional electric options. Two locations […]
The Greater Shreveport Chamber of Commerce is holding an unprecedented three mayoral forums across consecutive nights on Oct. 16-17-18 to allow the candidates time for three important topics: Tuesday, Oct. 16 will focus on Operations and Administration Wednesday, Oct. 17 will be Leadership Thursday, Oct. 18 is all about Finances The forums are free and […]
Liz Swaine story in August 13 Forum ANNOUNCING THE CULTIVATE COLLABORATIVE KEYNOTE TALK AND WORKSHOP, Thurs-Fri., August 23-24. You’re invited to be our guest at two important events featuring the Cultivate Collaborative of Dallas, Tex. On Thursday, Aug. 23 at 6 pm at Central ARTSTATION, 801 Crockett Street, join Re:Form Shreveport for a talk by […]
611 Texas Informational Brochure For years, the building at 611 Texas Street known only by the All Seasons Creations Mall signage on the front has set empty and a bit forlorn. While not the most beautiful exterior on the block (exteriors can be changed!), it sits in a prime location (near the courthouse, the Lofts @ […]
The soon-to-come Common Park in Shreveport Common, the 9-block art and culture district on the western side of downtown, isn’t letting any grass grow under its feet as construction plans are made. Shreveport Public Assembly and Recreation (SPAR) hosted a pre-construction meeting recently and report that more than a dozen general contractors and subcontractors showed […]
UPDATE: Inside clean-out work has begun. One lane of Travis Street and the sidewalk adjacent to the building will be closed for the next 4-6 weeks while this work is being done for safety reasons. Big change is definitely coming! —————————————- It’s hard to fathom how much ten tons weighs. Yeah, yeah, we know- ‘a […]