A location most recently in the business of hair and beauty…reopens as a business of hair and beauty. 711 Texas Street, once home to Joseph Guin Salon, will be opening soon as the Setting the Standard Barbering Academy and barber shop. Owner Terri Pugh recently gave tours of the space and explained her vision for her new downtown location.

Pugh with mom Mary Williams on her left and aunt Fannie Green on her right.
“We will do everything pertaining to hair,” Pugh told the crowd. ‘Perms, color, and cuts, and we will have a price point that everyone can afford.” She says both appointments and walk ins will be welcome. Her 12 cutting stations downstairs will be joined by a classroom upstairs and she envisions daily (and nightly activity). Classes and cutting will happen during the day, in the evenings and on Saturdays, giving folks who want to learn a new vocation multiple opportunities to do so. She stresses that everyone can both learn a trade and make a living doing it.
Pugh says she has been interested in downtown for some time, ‘downtown is always the heart of every city’, but the opportunity became real when she learned about the availability of Guin’s building. She enlisted the aid of City of Shreveport Economic Development Director Brandon Fail, whose well-placed call helped her seal the deal. Pugh says she hopes to bring several things to her business: a sense of community as well a spirit of entrepreneurship and free enterprise. She hopes that her personal mantra of ‘Where you decide to go is where you will go’ is picked up by others. She has already reached out to the local artist community, and proudly displays painter Eric Francis’ work on her walls.
In addition to hair services, Pugh also provides a custom curated line of teas for all that ails you- from insomnia to weight gain. Pugh hopes to throw open the doors in about two weeks, so be on the lookout for her as she ‘sets the standard’ downtown.