Most government, bank and financial offices will be closed on Friday, April 7 for Good Friday, but never fear- all your favorite restaurants, clubs and entertainment venues will be open and waiting to welcome you.
Since Easter = donuts (or so we are told), Dripp Donuts is offering a fresh-from-the-oven Easter option. Pre-order by 8pm on Saturday, April 8 and you can pick up fresh donuts on Easter morning between 7-9 pm.

Holy Week events at Holy Cross Episcopal Church downtown.
Meantime, there are a number of Good Friday and Easter Sunday service options at our downtown Houses of Worship. For details, please see our calendar.
After church, hop down to the Shreveport Aquarium for a different kind of egg hunt, egg hunts in the marine tanks! The Aquarium has extended hours on Friday and Monday and are open Sunday, too.

Hippity hop to the aquarium this weekend!
Robinson Film Center will be OPEN on Easter with showtimes beginning at 2:30 pm. Sci Port Discovery Center will be OPEN on Good Friday and Saturday, but CLOSED on Easter day. Shababy’s Cajun Cooking will be OPEN on Good Friday and Saturday, but CLOSED on Easter Sunday (they will be closed next week while on vacation, too. Have fun, Mandy and Mike!) Word just in that Rhino Coffee Downtown will also be CLOSED for Easter Day to allow baristas time with family! Best suggestion on Easter is to call before you go to make sure your favorite spot is open.