Pop N Pizza is now open at 500 Texas Street just across from the Caddo Parish Courthouse! Downtown’s pizza place is open Monday-Saturday starting at 10am. For right now, early week closing times are 8-ish, Friday and Saturday, Brittani and Trill will be open for the later night crowd, keeping the pizza ovens hot and the lights on until about 1 am.
Their hours and menu options may be changing as they determine what works best. They still have no way for folks to call or online order (it’s coming!) so you need to just pop by and grab your slices. Initially, pizza will only be offered by the slice — over the next weeks they will begin ramping up to fuller menu offerings.
If you haven’t had the chance yet, drop by and try some of their delicious pizza. Slices (with a drink included) are $6 to $7, a perfect grab and go to fill your tummy.
Original story- January 20, 2022
The vent hood has been inspected, the paper covering the windows to the eatery has been removed, and Pop N Pizza is mere hours away from finally getting the green light to open the doors on their long-anticipated downtown pizzeria. Owner Brittani Shabazz contacted us Wednesday afternoon with the good news that the vent hood passed the state inspection; Shabazz has a couple of other small things to do and hopes that they will be opening THIS weekend. That’s good news for Brittani, hubby Rill, downtown, and Pop N Pizza’s legion of fans who have been in ‘Pop N’ withdrawal for the past couple of months!

The view from the outside in.
As soon as we get the high sign from Brittani that opening is a ‘go’, we will pass it on to you via the ShreveportDDA and Downtown Shreveport Facebook pages. Also be sure to ‘like’ the Pop N Pizza page for all the latest on specials, menus, etc.
Original Story & Update Jan. 6, 2022
Brittani Shabazz never realized how happy a vent hood would make her. The hood, required for her new Pop N Pizza restaurant at 500 Texas Street, is now, gloriously, FINALLY installed. All that awaits is the health department to bless it. Brittani is the first to say that the process has taken longer than she expected, but that when that day comes that she can open, she and her crew will be ready for it!
In the meantime, it has been all hands on deck painting and preparing her new space. Stay tuned for the planned opening date!
Pop N’ Pizza Update- December 16, 2021.
Brittani Shabazz and hubby Rill Trill have been busy, but the owner of Pop N Pizza at 500 Texas Street worries she isn’t busy enough. They have been moving, planning, coordinating, painting, working on menus, trying to figure out water lines, pushing their contractor to hurry up and put in a vent hood and doing all those things any business moving to a new location has to do. Still, it’s not enough. Brittani would rather be making pizzas and feeding people. She knows that will come, it would just be nice if it could come faster. “I’ve never done this before,” she says of moving. “I’m constantly worrying. I go over my check list every day, just checking things off.” Meetings with city inspectors have been good, but until she gets the vent hood she can’t call for her final city inspections or get state sign off.

Rill with new downtown bud, Huddie.
Brittani and Rill have been making the most of down time by getting to know downtown, and their new neighbors. Postings on their Facebook pages show stops at The Missing Link, Retro Down Town Cafe, Sha’Baby’s Cajun Cooking, Rhino Coffee. “We love being downtown. Everyone already knows who we are!” Brittani hopes to introduce others to downtown through her posts, videos, and eventually, her pizza and events. She is already thinking of all the fun ways she can use her new space and a sidewalk cafe.

Have coffee, will travel.
Meantime, she is checking more things off her list: working on a website and phone system, ordering new hats and tee-shirts, moving in stock. IF the vent hood gets installed in time, she would love to host a ‘soft’ opening to Pop N Pizza at 500 Texas Street on New Year’s Eve, a sort of ‘friends and family’ night. Tentatively, her big grand opening is planned for Jan. 21, 2022.

Rill dialing up a to-go order at Retro Down Town Cafe.
She is looking forward to good things at her new space, and downtown is looking forward to pizza by the slice and all the enthusiasm she has about her new ‘home.’ Stay tuned for more ‘ Pop N’ updates!
Original Story- Pop N Pizza Moves to Texas Street, Nov. 17, 2021
During my time at the Downtown Development Authority, I have heard a number of requests for businesses downtown, but the most common, the most enduring, the most heartfelt…always had to do with pizza.
It’s not that pizza isn’t available at all in downtown. Fertitta’s Deli on Fairfield Ave. serves up a hot, made to order personal pizza and The Sand Bar at 415 Spring St. offers up Pizza King pies, but there has been nothing consistently available in the Central Business District, certainly not a place to grab a slice and a drink and be on your way…until now.
[box] According to the results of a BakeMag survey, 98 percent of Americans eat pizza, with 54 percent saying that they “love pizza.” It’s a mealtime staple for many households, and 33 million Americans even go as far as to say that it would be their last meal on Earth if they had a choice.[/box]

Brittani and her hubby & business partner, Rill Trill, who we already love because he will dance on a pizza!
In November, the much-loved Pop N’ Pizza will be moving from its current Kings Highway location to 500 Texas, at the corner of Texas and Marshall, right across from the Caddo Parish Courthouse and a short hop from Government Plaza. Owner Brittani Shabazz has been pondering this move for some time. As the popularity of her pizza grew, the space on Kings Highway became more and more confining. Its tiny dimensions meant that she would never be more than a take-out/delivery space.
Her new digs on Texas Street will allow indoor tables and outdoor seating, more employees, additions to the menu and pizza by the slice. It is fair to say that Brittani is both excited and terrified to be moving her small and popular shop someplace completely new, and she frets at the knowledge that the move and ensuing permit applications and other governmental requirements will mean a period of time without revenue and pizza.
The hopefully-short down time will allow her to refine a new menu that will include more pizza options, fresh salads and drinks. This is her current Menu.
Brittani has fun with her pizzas. During baseball season there is Ballpark Pizza loaded with hot dogs and chili sauce, bacon, onions, and nacho cheese drizzle. There is her Hot Mess piled with pepperoni, ham, Italian sausage, jalapenos, olives and loads more, her double pepperoni pizza, pizza chunks with dipping sauce, wings, fries loaded with pizza toppings, cheese and marinara sauce, and if it’s salad you crave– a spinach salad pizza.

The bright blue signage!
Brittani hopes to be able to bring her brilliant blue Pop n’ Pizza signage to light up Texas Street and guide customers to delicious pizza and conversation and a popular new place that will have the town talking. Her hours are still up in the air, but she is seriously thinking about a couple of late nights to feed the club crowd and Monday- Saturday lunch service. She will have all kinds of delivery options, some specific for downtown employees, and she promises to get hot, fresh, made to order pizzas out the door and into your mouth in 15-30 minutes.
Brittani also wants to have some fun with her new space- possible fashion shows and other types of parties and events that were impossible to handle in her small Kings Highway shop.
We are looking forward to Brittani and Rill becoming part of our downtown neighborhood and can’t wait to be able to ‘pop n’ for their pizza!