Each year SB Magazine holds a reader competition to determine the best of a wide range of businesses and events, and downtown is always well represented.
Feel free to hold your applause until the entire list is read!
Best Performing Arts Venue- the historic, venerable Strand Theatre.
Best Financial Advisor- Denis Poljak, and Best Investment Firm- The Poljak Group.
Best Locally Produced and Best Family Entertainment- High Gravity Glassworks.
Best Monogram Store- Appli-Ks Embroidery and Gifts.
Best Hot Dog- The Missing Link.
Best Muffaletta- Fertitta’s Deli.
Best Bank- Home Federal Bank.
Best Fitness Facility- YMCA.
Best Architecture Firm- Kevin Bryan Architects.
Best Local Festival- Red River Revel.
Best Hotel Staycation- Hilton Shreveport.
Best Nightclub- Phoenix 2.0.
Best Coffeehouse- Rhino Coffee.
Congratulations to all!